Generating a side hustle monthly income from Option Trading

Generating a side hustle monthly income from Option Trading, How I generate an income from Option Trading as a side hustle!
Course Description
This course is created with the objective to provide a quick overview and insight into option trading and how option trading can become a monthly income generator when an investor knows what strategy to use in the different stock direction – up trend, down trend or side-way.
It is suitable for beginners or someone who is out of job or anyone who is keen to explore option trading as a side hustle without leaving their job.
At the end of the course students will be able to understand the power of options trading and take away the following:
1. The difference between Stock Trading and Stock Option Trading.
2. The different types of options.
3. What is in an option contract
4. What does Call and Put mean?
5. How option trading can profit from stock movement; whether the stock is trending up, down or side-way and which strategy to use, using my S.O.B.A. system.
6. What Right does a buyer of an option have?
7. What is the seller of an option obligated to?
8. See extracts of my past trades and how I had profited from the trades using my S.O.B.A system.
9. My Options Performance Tracking Records for the past 12 months (at the point of production of my course).