Geometry for Secondary or High School, Part 1: Lines, Distance, Angles and Proofs.
Course Description
If you asked for more and more solved examples, then this course is for you! There are more courses out there offering lectures but few to none have given a lot of solved exercises or examples. The course will be a supplementary or could be used as a main reference to understand the subject geometry for secondary or high school. To ensure that, inclusive to this course are concept overview and lots of solved exercises. Certainly, these solved exercises will help understand concepts, postulates and axioms better and well.
This course is just a first part (Part 1: Lines, Distance, Angles and Proofs) for the subject Geometry in high school or secondary. Enrol and follow the author for more future contents.
The author’s aim is simple, that is to teach mathematics by comprehension. As the world and generation changed, the teaching style must follow. This is what we call the innovation in teaching. To do that, a simple brief lecture must be followed by lots and lots of examples applying the mathematics topic that have been discussed. In that manner, the knowledge is transferred by showing them how the theorem and axioms work.
The author deeply believes that mathematics is a great tool for advancement and discovering things. Through this innovation of teaching, the tools have been presented and it’s up to the future generation on how they are going to use these tools in order to improve life, hopefully.
Thank you very much and have fun!..