Getting Started with Autocad


Getting Started with Autocad, A Beginner’s Course to Start Drawing with Accuracy.

Course Description

This course is designed for first time users seeking to start with Autocad in a beginner-friendly way with direct and easy to understand explanations.

The course is included in just one section. You will start learning how AutoCAD’s interface works, and how to navigate with the mouse and the touchpad. After you will learn to use essential drawing commands to draw with accuracy. These commands include: Line, Polyline, Circle or Arc.

To encourage you practicing, I included an file with exercises in lecture 6 (Object Snap), as well as some Autocad files (dwg) used for the topics explained. You can apply what you’ve learned right away.

During the videos you will notice that my narration style is slightly slow. I want to ensure that everybody can understand regardless their native language.

However If you prefer a quicker pace, you can easily increase the playback speed to match your learning style. For example some users prefer 1,25x which is a bit faster.

Also, I encourage you to use the Q&A section to ask any questions or share suggestions for improving the course—I’m happy to help you.
If you decide to join this course I’ll be really grateful. I wish you a great learning experience.

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