Google Sheets Functions for Growth Marketing & Product Teams

Google Sheets Functions for Growth Marketing & Product Teams, Covering the top 20 functions to import, clean & analyse data (Inc. Pivot Tables, IMPORTXML, VLOOPUP, INDEX & QUERY).
Course Description
In the course you’ll receive:
- Practice dataset
- Cheatsheet with 20+ functions
- Short lectures explaining functions with examples
This course is designed to upskill your Google Sheets knowledge and is based on my experience leading growth teams and working day-to-day with Google Sheets. I’ve narrowed the course down to the top 20 most important functions that I use to import, clean, analyse and visualise data on a regular basis.
We will skip the basics of adding & subtracting and go right into the juicy stuff such as importing data with IMPORTXML and searching that data using QUERY. It will be no problem if these functions are completely new to you, as we’ll cover all functions according to a practice dataset so that you can work alongside me and implement each function right away.
If you have any questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to contact me.