Guitar Shapes – Theory & Voicings for Modern Worship or Pop, Memorize the relationship between notes on the fretboard so you can be comfortable with playing creatively on the spot.
Course Description
Do you find yourself using only a few open chord shapes and a simple pentatonic for soloing here and there? My name is Dave and I’ve come across a number of beginner to intermediate guitarists that have struggled with a wide array of unfamiliarity within the higher range of the fretboard.
They tend to know the basics but don’t seem to have a more in depth understanding of the relationships between shapes. This can make them feel uncomfortable with being creative on stage because of possibly hitting wrong notes. My course is a practical method to fix this problem!
- This doesn’t only apply to Modern Worship. The Genre is pop-oriented which means there’s a universal sound were desiring to achieve. Being able to add your signature melodies over any music surrounding the major scale or fundamental I, V, Vi, iV Progression requires a knowledge for finger positions that will allow you to play in autopilot in order to engage your musical brain.
I’m a fingerstyle guitarist and lead electric guitarist at church. Modern worship is simple in nature relying upon small chords and not overbearing the listener with too much detail. Overtime I began to discover a lot of strategies that helped me tremendously when mapping out the fretboard. Typically you have a rhythm guitarist covering the lower range of open chords but if you are the 2nd guitarist you want to know enough theory in order to play higher inversions.
- Enroll in this course and let me breakdown the simple tactics to helping you become fluent