Help your Teen pass High School


Help your Teen pass High School, Pointers for Parents & Skills for Scholars.

Course Description

This course helps parents to equip their high school students with skills, techniques and self-knowledge to improve school results and prepare for major external assessments, by adopting productive habits. Parents are invited to engage in the content to assist their teens. The explanatory videos and tools are designed for students who wish to understand their learning styles and adjust their study methods accordingly. Based on 30 years of teaching high school and university students, this course condenses the essential habits which school pupils should adopt, to approach learning and exams confidently.

Parents, please note that Udemy policy requires that “those under 18 may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage. As such, any subject matter oriented towards young students must be clearly marketed to parents and guardians who will be supervising their learning.”

The  student should dedicate

  • A few hours of online work watching the videos
  • A few hours completing downloadable psychometric and other assessments
  • Many hours of practical application
  • A personal library of exam-preparation resources
  • At least two months to use the techniques before attending the online group mentoring session

The parent should

  • Watch the short videos and synchronize with their child
  • Monitor their child’s application of exercises and assessments
  • Discuss results with their child
  • Empathize with the challenges which the child may be experiencing

Those who begin early will enjoy greater success ; those who panic before exams can still accomplish better results, but with diminished impact.

The course culminates with an online group mentoring session in which scholars who have completed the course, discuss their progress and develop external supportive networks of practice. In addition to the internal support of family, external networks comprised of youth from all over the world, nourish productive habits over long periods.

Parents are also encouraged to watch the videos and ensure that the child completes the psychometric assessments independently, to better understand their child’s learning preferences. Use of online and digital resources are  encouraged ; simultaneously pencil and paper remain necessary tools to facilitate understanding, comprehension, reproduction of knowledge, as well as manual dexterity to facilitate thinking, write quickly and reproduce knowledge effectively.

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