How to HOOK audience to your STORIES? How to use Controversy, Conflict and Conspiracy to HOOK Audience to your stories?
Course Description
I’m Saurabh Leekha. A trained engineer, a management professional through practise but an author by heart. My books have been on Amazon Top 100 bestsellers list multiple times.
Controversy, Conflict and Conspiracy or 3C Story method has been the background of stories for ages. You pick any bestselling story, runaway movie hit or longest running show, you would find any of 3C’s or combination of them as the background of the storyline.
Story is a telling of an event to the audience through a medium like verbal, visual, written or a mix of them. Great Stories are those which have a HOOK element. The 3C Story method, or Controversy, Conflict, and Conspiracy, provides the necessary HOOK element in a story.
In this training I will take you through
- How to use the 3C CONCEPT effectively in your stories?
- How to STRUCTURE your story with 3C Concept such that it engages till the end?
- How can you make your CHARACTERS deliver the EXPERIENCE of the story!
- How to DRIVE your story through 3C Concept such that audience says WHAT’s NEXT?
Basically, How to HOOK audience to your stories?
After this course you would be able to
- Understand the concept of storytelling
- Use the 3C method effectively in stories
- Engage, Inspire the Audience through your stories