How to hunt down a literary agent, How to find a literary agent for your book.
Course Description
You have written a book! Congratulations! What now?
Now you probably need to sell it the best way. In order to do so, you need to publish it first.
Who will be your guide in the endless publishing world? Who will be the unicorn that makes all your wishes come true?
Most likely this guy or gal is a literary agent.
He or she will represent your manuscript and strike the best deal for your writing. How to find them?
Now, that is an art in itself. You need to sell to the unicorn (literary agent) your book and convince them it is too a wining horse. It might take a couple of months or years before you get published but this very course will guide you through all the valleys and hills of finding YOUR literary agent. The one and only who will believe in your book enough to represent it.
You will learn how to hunt down a literary agent with help of your computer or the library. Depends on what style you prefer. You will be shown a secret on how to make literary agents contact you. It’s all a numbers game. A number of edits, revisions, words, queries, and agents you approach. Once you are there, none can stop you. This course is to help you along the way.