How to migrate your WordPress site, Use modern techniques to migrate your site.
Course Description
This course is all about moving your WordPress site from one web host to another web host. The techniques explained in this course can be applied to any web host.
All the scenarios covered in this course are real-world scenarios that you can relate to.
And here are the scenarios that we will be covering.
1. We have developed a small website on our localhost (Local) and we are moving it to Siteground Hosting. We will be using the free Duplicator plugin because I don’t mind getting my hands a little bit dirty.
2. We have a small website on SiteGround and we are moving it to Kinsta hosting without downtime. We will be using a premium plugin called WP DB Migrate Pro plugin because I don’t want my hands to get dirty at all.
3. We have a big website on LiquidWeb and we are moving it to Kinsta. Since this is a big site, to avoid any timeout errors, we will be migrating the site manually using SSH, WP-CLI for files, and WP-CLI for exporting and importing the database. Free or not, you can’t use a plugin here.
You’ll also learn how to use the following tools:
- Duplicator Plugin ( Free Version )
- WP DB Migrate Pro plugin
- SSH login
- Linux Command Line
- WP-CLI, a command-line tool for managing WordPress