How to Use a MIDI Keyboard as a Beatmaker in FL Studio, Learn how to make beats on your computer realistically with a MIDI Keyboard.
Course Description
This course was created on request of many students wanting to learn how to make beats with a MIDI Keyboard.
So, this course was created for those who asked!
Learn to create beats with a MIDI Keyboard by learning how to properly set up a MIDI Keyboard (with the latest updated drivers), how to make sure you’ve purchased the right keyboard that suits you and your workflow, and the ultimate workflow of a MIDI Keyboard inside of FL Studio.
Further, you’ll learn how to enable a MIDI Keyboard in FL Studio and applying a pre-created FL Studio Template to it.
Near the end of this course, we create a little beat to show you the best workflow of using a MIDI Keyboard, and how to set up your knobs and sliders if you want that “hands-on” approach to working with music.
If you’re wanting to learn how to use a MIDI Keyboard to make beats, enroll into this course, and learn the best way!
# GratuiTous