Introduction To Fluid Art, 5 Steps To Becoming a Paint Pouring Artist.
Also known as paint pouring, flow art, liquid art.etc.
Is a form of abstract art that uses acrylic paints with a runny (fluid)consistency. The acrylic paints react with each other when combined together to make interesting and visually organic motifs. This type of art is fun for all ages. Fluid acrylics can be used on many types of substrates and in many different forms such as pouring, dripping, swirling, glazing, dipping and many other effects. Fluid art opens up a lot of possibilities and is definitely worth exploring and adding to your artist tool belt. In this course I will teach you everything you will need to become a paint pouring artist. I will share with you:
* Please Note! If you like a lot of talking this course may not be for you. When I create art I get in a trance like state and talking interrupts my flow. I do some voice over introductions and descriptions here and there but this course is heavy on visual content. I do a lot of pop ups on the screen that are full of helpful information and descriptions and I supply you with written resources as well.
- How to set up your paint pouring studio on a budget
- complete supplies list
- share all the techniques that I use like; dirty pour flip cup, puddle pours, swipe technique and more.
I will show you how to properly handle and care for your art
I will show you how to protect your artwork
The bonus section will have plenty of resources to refer to with information about mixing ratios, paint density and more
Bonus Video footage of 16 minutes raw studio experiments with swipe technique!
Some of the videos are just me working with little or no talking. FYI
I’m here to help you become a confident Fluid Painting Artist.. Enroll in my Udemy Course Today!