Introduction to MT4 Platform, The perfect introduction course to MT4 platform for trading.
Course Description
If you are interested to learn how to trade forex, look no further. 2 easy to understand videos that gives you all the information you need to get started. At the end of this course, you will be familiar with the MT4 platform that is commonly used for trading forex.
Forex is NOT a get rich scheme and all the big financial institutions trade it everyday. The common people like us can get in on the action by registering an account with a retail broker and start trading. For anyone who wants to make a side income, this is the fastest way to get started and with the proper education and risk management, you can make additional income from your laptop or your mobile phone.
This course will introduce the trading platform to you so that you will have all the necessary information and skills to start trading from your first day. This is a cumulation of 18 years of forex trading experience and a compilation of what is important, what is required and what to take note of.
You can watch all 2 videos at one go or break it up into 2 separate sessions. Learning is flexible and at your own time. After learning, please take action. It can be in the form of a demo account which I also introduce in the course.
I wish you success in your forex trading career!