JavaScript – Intermediate & Advanced, Understanding Behind The Scene!…
If you are a beginner, this course is not for you! However, If you like to explore more advance, how things really work, with examples and details, this is an excellent opportunity for you!
It is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to learn how javascript works behind the scenes! Additionally, you will learn the hardest aspects of javascript language.
We will cover :
- How does “hoisting” works, what are the usage cases?
- Immediately Invoked Functional Expression (IIFE)
- Scope & Closure detailed
- __proto__ (behind the scene)
- How does “this” keyword works? With many different examples!
- call, apply, bind with detailed examples.
- Prototype Inheritance (via excellent Diagram)
- Construction Function Behind the Scene
- Construction Function vs Javascript Classes (Behind the Scene)
- Class Inheritance (via excellent Diagram)
- How does “extends” works? (via excellent Diagram)
- How does “super” and “super.method” works?
- How does “instanceof” works?
- Function, Object, Function.prototype, Object.prototype, built in Functions relationship via diagram!
- What is Synchronous and Asynchronous?
- What is callback?
- What is callback hell (pyramid of doom)
- How does “promise” works?
- Difference between promises and callbacks?
- How does async / await works.
What you will achive:
- All hard parts that are hard to understand, you will be able to understand them.
- You will be able to discover other libraries by having an understanding of the language.