JDBC Programming for Beginners, Learn Jdbc programming thoroughly with Oracle Database, using Java 8 or Java 9 (JPMS) Module based Applications.
Course Description
This Course mainly aimed for beginners using Java Programming Language as Database Application Development, using Java 8 or Java 9 (JPMS) Module Based Applications, Interacting With Relational Databases, Executing SQL Statements like DDL , DML,DCL,DRL commands. Fetching Data from Database, using JDBC API programmer can communicate with any Structured Data like Spreadsheets or CSV files, JDBC API is part of Java, and it is only specification, Actual implementation of this specification done at JDBC Driver side, This is an External JAR file freely downloadable from Database Vendor websites.
JDBC API has 6 Objects main Objects DriverManager,Connection,Statement,PreparedStatement,CallableStatement and ResultSet. Statement interface is generic Object with can execute any SQL Commands, Whereas Prepared Statement , binds to specific SQL Query and this query is Pre-compiled, so execution is faster. Where as CallableStatements are used to execute Stored Procedures .
Converting Database Objects into Java Collection Objects like ArrayList, HashSet etc., Applying Popular Design Patterns Like DAO Pattern,hiding low-level APIs and exposing Database data as a collection Objects. Java 9 has JShell Command-line Interpreter for executing Java Snippets, How call JDBC API in JShell environment… Learners Easily gain Real Time Experience using this Course..
Basic Understanding of JDBC API is required in writing Spring Boot Applications using Spring JDBC, JPA(Java Persistence API), Because JPA depends on ORM tools,these tools internally uses JDBC API to interact with Databases.