Kotlin Programming – A Basic Introduction


Kotlin Programming – A Basic Introduction, Introduction to the Kotlin programming language.

Course Description

This Kotlin tutorial is intended for complete beginners.

You will learn basic programming concepts in Kotlin. Start watching this course if you are interested in learning Kotlin as a beginner.

In this Kotlin tutorial you will go though some of the basic concepts of the language. Feel free to start watching this tutorial. As a beginner in Kotlin, you will definitely learn some concepts that will enable to step onto the next concepts.

Kotlin is used in the Web, Desktop and Android platforms. Kotlin has become the first choice for native Android development. if that field is appealing to you, you need to get better in programming with this programming language.

With Kotlin the possibilities are many. You can go into any field that uses Kotlin. And there are many. learning Kotlin definitely has its merits.

Here are some reasons developers prefer Kotlin to Java:

  • Kotlin is concise, saving time that you’d otherwise spend writing boilerplate code in Java.
  • You can convert a Java file into a Kotlin file with just a script.
  • Kotlin has no runtime overhead. Sometimes, adding features to a language means it has more overhead, which lowers its performance. Not so with Kotlin.
  • Kotlin has a large community. If you ever get stuck, you can easily find other developers to help you on coding forums and social networks.
  • Kotlin streamlines asynchronous programming. Making network and database calls asynchronously in Java is clumsy and painful. Kotlin has coroutines that make asynchronous programming simple and efficient.
  • Kotlin handles nulls. A null in Java can crash a program if you haven’t prepared for it. In Kotlin, you can add a simple operator to variables that may be null to prevent these crashes.
  • Kotlin can run on multiple platforms. Kotlin can run anywhere Java runs, so you can use it to build cross-platform apps.
  • It’s easy to switch to Kotlin. Kotlin is fully compatible with Java, so you don’t have to change all your code at once. You can slowly migrate an application to use Kotlin.

Go ahead and start watching this Kotlin course right away.

This Kotlin tutorial is not geared towards Android ,Web or Desktop Application development. However, this tutorial is a general concept tutorial to help you learn how to use the Kotlin programming language concepts.

Start watching it today.

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