Learn Complete Data Analytics with Excel in 30 min only.

Learn Complete Data Analytics with Excel in 30 min only, Learn complete data analytics with excel in 30 minutes – Charts, Pivots, Dashboard, Formulas.
Course Description
Learn complete data analysis in excel using pivots in less than 30 minutes and also all excel formulas with detailed examples for each.
“Carefully designed to make people learn pivots in less than 30 minutes, all aspects in the course are right direct to the point with no wastage of time for the candidates”
“Impress your boss and colleagues with the new skills you learnt within a day.”
- Take your data analysis skills from ZERO to PRO with Excel Pivot Tables
- Learn how to use Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts and dashboards to visualize data with slicers
- Get LIFETIME access to project files, homework exercises, and 1-on-1 expert support
- Practice on 2 related datasets for power BI
- Get free access to 160 formulas with detailed examples for each
- Bonus : Learn about the real world automation cases built by using Excel VBA, excel shortcuts
What all you will learn from excel course:
- 165 formulas sheet with detailed examples for each
- All excel shortcuts pdf
- Pivot Tables
- Pivot Charts
- Slicers
- Dashboards
- Copying text from any image
- Conditional formatting
- Goal seek
- Data table
- Solver
- Text to columns
- Protect sheet
- Remove duplicates
- Data validation
- Case studies on automation using VBA
What all you will learn from excel course:
- 165 formulas sheet with detailed examples for each
- All excel shortcuts pdf
- Pivot Tables
- Pivot Charts
- Slicers
- Dashboards
- Copying text from any image
- Conditional formatting
- Goal seek
- Data table
- Solver
- Text to columns
- Protect sheet
- Remove duplicates
- Data validation
- Case studies on automation using VBA