Learn Freelancing : To Grow Quickly at Marketplace’s

Learn Freelancing : To Grow Quickly at Marketplace’s, Find exactly what you want to learn from how-to-get started Freelancing Career to Grow quickly at Marketplace’s.
Course Description
ThisĀ course is meant to teachĀ theĀ tips and tricks of freelancingĀ in theĀ simplest and effective way. TheĀ do`s and don`tsĀ are discussed, about which aĀ freelancer must be awareĀ of. The introduction of differentĀ types of freelance marketplacesĀ is given in thisĀ course. Web portals likeĀ Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, Fivesquid,Ā andĀ 99 DesignĀ areĀ introducedĀ andĀ discussedĀ in detail so that aĀ traineeĀ could effectivelyĀ make money by usingĀ these portals.
What you will learn :
- After completing this course, a trainee will be able to:
- Define the term Freelance?
- How to get started as a Freelancer.
- What’s Essential for freelancing to get started
- What’s Essential to be a Freelancer
- Where should I work as a Freelancer?
- Identify different types of freelance marketplaces
- Identify the pros and cons of freelancing
- Identify and apply their strengths/skills in the freelance market.
- Sign up as a freelancer at different platforms
- Create an effective profile on freelance platforms
- Search the right projects & winning proposals.
- Define the importance of communication skills
- Manage a project once it is awarded
- Manage project payments (escrow, invoicing system)
- Identify the importance of feedback for profile
- Identify the steps to keep projects coming
- Identify the mistakes and problems every freelancer’s faces
- Identify steps to becoming a Successful Freelancer
- Identify the steps for effective Bidding to get the most from the process
- Identify the steps to grow as a freelancer
- Identify how to retain existing client
Please feel free toĀ review the course curriculumĀ and I lookĀ forward to goingĀ through theĀ materialĀ with you on yourĀ freelance journey!