Learn Graphic LCD interface with from scratch, • Light Emitting Diode interface with LPC2148 microcontroller and its Embedded C programming. • Light Emitting Diode C.
Course Description
This course is useful for those who want learn microcontroller interfacing with Light Emitting Diode, LCD and Graphic LCD. Here LPC 2148, 32 bit ARM 7 microcontroller is introduced.
ARM 7 and higher version of ARM family microcontroller are used for embedded system. Course starting is introduction of microcontroller LPC 2148. In this course simple program are written Embedded C. LED,LCD and GLCD has number of application in embedded system. Many places LED is used as indicator such that particular thing happen or not. In traffic signal where high wattage LEDs are used. LCD is used where you want visual indication in letters. GLCD is used to display graphic information just in mobile. Also graphical interaction is possible if touch screen is used. Many times these devices are interfaced with microcontrollers. Course aim is that you are able to interface these devices easily and able to write Embedded C code related to these devices.
Course Details are as follows
· Light Emitting Diode interface with LPC2148 microcontroller and its Embedded C programming.
· Light Emitting Diode Characteristics
· Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) features
· LCD interface with LPC2148 microcontroller and Embedded C programming.
· Graphic LCD features
· Interface Graphic LCD with LPC2148 microcontroller and Embedded C programming.