Course Description
Taking the Message of the Qur’an to the World
The world has become so big. It has become physically difficult to enter every neighborhood and deliver the message of Islam to every home. Allah, who gives the problem, also creates the remedy. With the internet cable, it is possible to reach every home and deliver the message of the Quran.
With the Udemy platform, we prepare videos in various languages, visit homes and teach Qur’an lessons.
We give clear answers to all your questions
In the past, the attack did not touch the fundamentals of faith as it does today. However, with the development of technology, the poisonous ideas of secular science and philosophy are like dynamite to the foundations of faith of young people.
They are the toys of the miserable civilization that numbs the youth, alienates them from Islam and leaves them ignorant.
In this situation, we reach out to our youth, speaking their language, appealing to their ability to understand, and presenting the principles of faith and the Qur’an with proofs that two and two make four. With the help of the Qur’an, we give completely logical and scientifically precise answers to any question that comes to mind, and we give answers to everyone’s questions in a way that the mind first accepts and then the heart confirms. All young people who have questions can come and ask their questions without hesitation. We do not rely on ourselves, but on the Qur’an.
Our teacher FATIH SÃœRMENELÄ° has opened a course called Quran Applied Learning System on Udemy. This course offers a method that makes it easier to read and understand the Holy Quran. Those who want to join the course can register [here].
Kur’an’ın Mesajını Dünyaya Taşımak Kur’an’ın Mesajını Dünyaya Taşımak.
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