Learn Python 3 From Scratch, Comprehensive python guide! Learn the basics and advanced of python from scratch.
Course Description
This Python course has everything you need to know to start coding in Python and not even that, by the end of the course you will know how to build complete programs and also build graphical user interfaces for your programs so you can impress your employer or your friends. I will guide you step by step starting from the basics and always assuming you don’t have previous programming experience or a computer science degree. In fact, most people who learn Python come from a vast variety of careers.
The idea behind developing Python 3 was to implement a single big change that got rid of a legacy problem in Python: rendering all strings as Unicode behind the scenes. As Brett Cannon, one of the core developers of Python, writes,
People sometimes forget how old Python is; Guido started coding Python in December 1989 and was first released as open source in February 1991. This means that Python itself predates the first volume of the Unicode standard which came out in October 1991. Over the intervening years, languages created after Unicode standardized chose to base their implementation for strings on encodings that could support Unicode.
This course is designed to not only teach you Python, but to also give you a real feel of how to use Python in a real enviornment. You will get this real-world experience of using Python by gaining free access to a remote server where Python is already installed. You will write and run Python programs directly on that remote computer in an easy fashion by simply using your internet browser.