Learn Python Under 60 Minutes, Zero to Hero.
Course Description
- Hello, I am Shravan Kamat and welcome to my python programming language course.
- Now in this course I will tell you all you need to know about python programming language so you will
- be able to go from knowing nothing about this programming language to being able to use it.
- You don’t need to know anything about programming or python, i am going to teach you python from scratch.
- Please make sure to leave a good review and rating which helps me a lot and now lets get started.
- Now Let me tell you something about what you can do with python, you can use python for machine learning and AI,
and python is the no 1 in machine learning and also popular in web development, using python and framework called
django you can build amazing websites.
- You can use python for automation. Using python can save you time and increase productivity by automating repetitive tasks. Here are some powerful websites built on python and django; YouTube, instagram, Spotify, dropbox and pinterest.
Prerequisites for this course are :
- Now in this course I will tell you all you need to know about python programming language so you will be able to go from knowing nothing about this programming language to being able to use it.
- You don’t need to know anything about programming or python, i am going to teach you python from scratch.
The Goals Set for this Course are to :
- Get to use python effectively learning the basics of concepts in python.
- Complete Exercises and practice different scenarios to improve yourself.