Learn Raspberry pi pico with hands on projects, Learn Raspberry pi pico with hands on projects with different type of sensors and display.
In this course you will learn how to program a microcontroller board with python programming language which is also called micropython with different sensors and displays like raindrop sensor, temperature and humidity DHT11 sensor, PIR sensor and OLED , LCDÂ Display.
Moreover I will provide all the source code and other resources in resources section. So this course is basically for Engineering students and students of Science background who wants to make their hands dirty with real world practical examples. In modern days students are only taught theoritical concepts rather than practical concepts and solving real world problems. I designed this course in order to bridge the gap between theoritical and practical understandings. I also owned my own start up Tech Pentagon where I used to teach how to find the solutions to real life problems and also provide digital services. However this course is based only on rsapberry pi pico but there are n number of micro controller boards in the world, the most amazing news is that you can build your own micro controller boards which I will show you in my another course. These micro controller boards are used in everywhere like Weather Station, Robotic Applications, Self driven vehicle, Home automation and many more.