Learning Python for Beginners Step-by-Step, Python: data types, variables, strings, manipulating strings, user input, conditionals, if/elif/else statements and more.
Welcome to your start toward becoming a Python developer. This course is a coding bootcamp of how to go from zero programming experience to a professional developer. This course aims to help you learn subjects that are valuable to becoming a professional developer with Python.
Each subsequent section will be covering all the necessary basics to get us jump
started. Here is a brief overview of what you’ll learn:
· Installing Python and Anaconda
· Writing your first Python program
· Understanding data types
· How to use variables
· Seeing what you can do with strings
· How to manipulate a string
· Understanding user input and conditional
· How to use “if” statements to make decisions
· How to use “elif” statements to make multiple decisions
· How to use “else” statements to make decisions no matter what