Making a Card Game from Scratch in Adobe Photoshop


Making a Card Game from Scratch in Adobe Photoshop, Make a card game you can play with family and friends!.

Course Description

Learn Photoshop by Making a Card Game from Scratch!

Have you ever wanted to make a card game to play with your friends and family? In this course, we’re going to design the cards, rule book and box cover for a Crazy Eights-type card game, and upload them online and get them printed on-demand.

I will start by showing you a completed deck, then we will go into Adobe Photoshop and make the entire deck, the rule book, and the box from scratch. I will also show you how to make the same rule book in InDesign.

When all the parts are finished, we will upload it to a game manufacturer and get it printed.

If you’ve ever wanted to make your own card game, this is the course to watch!

Within a few hours, you should have a complete card game!

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