Mastering Resilience and MIndset, Improve your wellbeing | Train your brain to respond to stress more positively | Techniques to help you thrive.
Course Description
The world we live is changing at an unprecedented rate, so are our workplaces. Sometimes it is a struggle to keep up and our mental and physical health can be affected if we don’t take the right steps. Maybe we overthink, get anxious, let our emotions get out of control, or just don’t know what to do. This can lead to poor decisions and burnout. We can’t always change the situation, so what can we do?
Resilience and mindset are the two key skills we need to survive; there is little chance of thriving without them. This means we must learn to recognise the danger signs in good time and know how to respond so that we minimise the impact. We need to recognise when our wellbeing is being threatened, so that we can take action. Bouncing back from challenging situations and learning to integrate self-care into our lives are critical if we are to achieve our potential.
This course will give you the strategies you need to help you minimise the impact of challenging times. We will explore what resilience is, how to deal with overwhelm and change your thought patterns and mindset when they are unhelpful so that you can be happier, healthier and more productive.
Please download the workbook before you begin the session.