MO-210: Microsoft Excel – Revision Guide, Revise all of the skills in the MO-210 exam in an hour.
The MO-210 certification is the new certification for Excel. Microsoft says that this certification demonstrates that you have the skills needed to get the most out of Excel by earning a Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel Associate (Microsoft 365 Apps) certification.
This is for you if you are preparing for the MO-210 certification, or want to see how your skills compare with the Microsoft certification.
We will quickly revise the following – we’ll spend an average of about 40 seconds on each topic:
Manage worksheets and workbooks. This comprises of:
- Import data into workbooks
- Navigate within workbooks
- Format worksheets and workbooks
- Prepare workbooks for collaboration and distribution
Manage data cells and ranges. This comprises of:
- Manipulate data in worksheets
- Format cells and ranges
- Define and reference named ranges
- Summarize data visually
Manage tables and table data. This comprises of:
- Create and format tables
- Modify tables
- Filter and sort table data
Perform operations by using formulas and functions. This comprises of:
- insert references
- calculate and transform data format and
- modify text
Manage charts. This comprises of:
- create charts
- modify charts
- format charts
Once you have completed the course, you will see how your knowledge of Microsoft Excel compares with the official MO-210 exam. If you are confident in your skills, then you could even take the official Microsoft MO-210 exam, which gives you the “Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel Associate (Microsoft 365 Apps)” certificate. This would look good on your CV or resume.
It is also the first stage to you getting the “Microsoft Office Specialist: Associate (Microsoft 365 Apps)” certification.