Money 101 History of Money And Finance, Learn About Where Money Come From, Paper Money Back By Gold, Financial understanding of Income : Job And Entrepreneur.
This Course will help me that I make Help me Understand what money is.
This Course will help you to understand where money come from.
This Course will help you understand purchasing power. This course will help you understand my view on should by expensive things yes and no.
This course help you understand the basic of Barter system.
This course help you understand Income and money.
this course will help you understand to break your mind of new understanding of money.
This course will help the history of money a little bit. This course will help you understand about the value of money that being used.
This course will help you understand millionaire point of view like Bob Proctor.
This course that I make I have studies Robert Kiyosaki stuff for years to understand what it is and it is not.
This Course is the study of understand the habits of money and how people view it.
This course is an understand a paper that used for good and service.
This course is understand of money that being used for to help keep food on the table and survive. Which people don’t like to hear in the entrepreneur
This course is years of understanding how people operate with money. This course is how people used money to live their life of their choosing.