My 7 color watercolor palette sorted specially for beginners


My 7 color watercolor palette sorted specially for beginners, Are you a complete beginner in watercolor? Are you confused? Don’t be! This course will explain all you need to know.

When I started painting watercolor paintings over 30 years ago,I met an old watercolor painter who told me to buy just 7 colors and learn how these paints react and stick with them.

Of course I didn’t believe him and went on to buy as many bits of kit and colors that I could afford.

Then, when I would start a painting,by the time I had figured out which colors I would use in the painting I had lost some of my enthusiasm and midway through the colors would start to become “muddy”,I wasn’t sure which green to use or how much white to mix in or how dark my black shadows should be.

So I decided to throw out all my “collection” of paint and I stuck with;

Lemon yellow

Alizarin Crimson


Raw sienna

Burnt sienna

Paynes grey

Raw umber

No white,No Black and definitely no Greens!

In this tutorial I will show you that these are the only colors you need.

see you in the first lesson.David

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