NEAR Blockchain Smart Contract Development, with introduction to Rust language.
Course Description
Become familiar with Rust language, its main features and syntax.
Topics covered include in Section 1:
- Rust installation and basics
- Cargo – build system and package manager
- Crates and packages
- Variables, Constants and Mutability
- Data Types: Scalar and Compound
- Functions
- Control Flows: If, Loops, If let
- Ownership (Scope)
- References and Borrowing
- Mutable references
- Define and initialize Structs
- Defining and calling methods
- Defining an Enum
- The “match” control flow
- Defining modules
- Vector and HashMap
- Recoverable and unrecoverable errors
- Traits – defining shared behavior (interface)
- Reading command line arguments
- Reading a file
- Printing to standard error – eprintln!
- Iterator Trait and next method
- Using Box<T> to store data on the Heap
- Running code in Threads simultaneously
- Message passing between Threads
- Using Mutexes to allow access data on one thread
- Writing tests
- Summary with references:
Gentle Introduction to Rust and “The Book” on Rust programming language.
Refer to “The Book” for deeper coverage of each topic and more advanced features.
Section 2 is dedicated to using knowledge obtained in Section 1 to read and understand NEAR smart contract implemented in Rust.
Learn how to create Testnet accounts on Near blockchain using a web wallet.
Learn how to compile and deploy Near smart contract on NEAR Testnet account using Gitpod environment.
Learn how to interact with deployed Near smart contract by using command line commands.
Get hands on experience compiling and deploying a sample counter smart contract on your own account – all in under 20 mins.