No Speck of Decency: The Richard Speck Story.
This is the last lesson in the RICHARD SPECK SERIAL KILLER COURSE. This is a series in a collection of upcoming courses on serial killers and spree killers. I also have an Introduction video about Killer Nurse BEVERLY ALLIT for you to enjoy. Richard Speck was a madman from Kirkwood, Il. A small-town kid who grew up to be one of the most horrific mass killers in the long history of the United States of America. It’s an amazing tale and adds to the fact that this man lived and was born so close to my own hometown. It just is amazing to me to think that my own Mother and Father may have interacted with this evil person and not even known it. This course is free to get you hooked on my lessons. The series will include cases of Munchausen by proxy and Spree Killers and Family Annihilators. There are a couple of short tests for fun at the end of each lesson. The tests are not hard by any stretch of the imagination but they are there to reinforce what you have learned in my lesson. Any fan of true crime like me will enjoy this brand new idea for enjoying some of our favorite Serial Killer stories. What makes these guys tick and what drives them to do the things that they have been found guilty of. After you get done with this insightful and compelling video course you will better understand the childhood experiences that formed their minds and beliefs for the rest of their lives. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on this matter after being a student of the subject for over three decades. I often listen to True Crime audiobooks for days straight. I will just keep it on in the background and I swear that I learn something new every time I listen to one. So just sit back and grab a cold beverage or roll a fatty boom batty and enjoy my slide show. If it’s a hit I will post more. If you know anyone who would be interested I would greatly appreciate you passing this wonderful knowledge on to them. This is a brand new idea and I personally believe in and have faith that this will be an awesome new way to enjoy some of our crime classics and maybe some that may come in the future. I promise that I will be keeping my eyes and ears open for any new stories that I can bring you.