Pentesting with Daniel Slater (Ethical Hacking/Web Security)


Pentesting with Daniel Slater (Ethical Hacking/Web Security) Join 170,000+ students – Learn cyber security, penetration testing (pentesting) and ethical hacking.

Computer security is one of the biggest job gaps in history, with a shortage of 3.5 million skilled workers needing to tackle a problem estimated to be worth $6 trillion. This is one of the biggest opportunities in history.

When you complete this course you’ll have the knowledge to get a job and cash in on the $6 trillion industry!

Although this course covers practical methods for breaking into and securing systems, most of the lectures focus on principals which allow you to properly understand the concepts. This differs from a lot of courses on Udemy that teach specific tools that will be out of date next year. This course is designed to teach the next thought leaders of the industry… ones who are capable of making tools that make everything before it seem outdated!

This course covers all the topics of several of my courses at university. It’s not long, it’s light hearted, and doesn’t feel dense… but all the content is there.

This course includes lectures on:

Core Security Principals


SQL Injection

XML Injection

JSON Injection

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)


Brute Force

Security Mindset

Client Side and Server Side Attacks

Authentication and Access Control




Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)



Deployment Best Practices

External Packages

Monitoring and Response


OWASP Top 10

And two assignments that will test your patience and show you what real hacking is like!

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