Personal Branding for success, Brand yourself for success.
Course Description
Your personal brand, on the other hand, is much more intentional. It is how you want people to see you. Whereas reputation is about credibility, your personal brand is about visibility and the values that you outwardly represent. You have the power to define your brand by aligning your intentions with actions.
A personal brand is a widely recognized and consistent perception or impression of an individual based on their experience, expertise, competencies, actions and/or achievements within a community, industry, or the marketplace at large. Personal brands may be deliberately modified to reinvent a public persona.
While the term “personal branding” might sound like it’s all about you, effective personal branding is about being visible, available, and valuable to others. Those with strong personal brands are generous with praise and know how to make their team feel valued.
To understand and build your personal brand, start with a self-assessment on the seven pillars: purpose, values, brand clarity, authenticity, strengths, energy and legacy.
This course is designed to help you to build a personal brand that engages people, makes deep human connections and builds a following.
You want strategies that allow your personal brand to
· Look
· Feel
· Sound
· Behave
· Think
· And Act
Differently to other professionals that’s exactly what I’m here to help you do.