Phonetics and Phonology, Phonetics and Phonology.
Course Description
- This course is divided into two sections, Phonetics and Phonology;
- This course is provided to students who study Phonetics, or those who just want to increase their knowledge about Phonetics. Also, it would be of an immense help to those students who are about to take an exam in Phonetics and Phonology because everything, concerning phonetics, is well- detailed in these lectures. Worth mention, this course is so rich in terms of tackling different aspects of phonetics, namely:
-Some Definitions of Phonetics.
-Place of Articulation.
-Manner of Articulation.
-Voicing (voiced vs. voiceless sounds).
-Vowel Articulation.
-Types of Vowels.
These lectures are crucially important for you as a student since it is without any doubt they can help you not only to pass your exams but also it earn excellent marks in your linguistics exam. This course makes it easy for you to grasp some difficult and scientific jargon in Linguistic, so this is what makes this set of videos so unique and special. In other words, they are extremely simple and well-detailed by including only what you will need in Phonetics and neglecting any unnecessarily complex stuff in Phonetics.
- This course covers Phonology lessons in the field of Linguistics. Firstly, module 1 differentiates between phonology and phonetics, and it also defines phonology clearly according to many phonologists and scholars. Second things second, this course tackles the concepts of phonemes and allophones which are so helpful when it comes to deciding if two words are minimal pairs or not. Hence, we are speaking about different minimal pairs and tests/criteria you can use to decide whether two words are minimally paired or not. That is to mention, we are tackling phonological notations as well. The latter is so important for you to understand in order to be able to write a proper phonological rule. Last but not least, I will explain the main and most common phonological processes, such as assimilation, deletion, nasalization, dissimilation, aspiration, metathesis, and so many more.