Positive Self Talk Boost-By Improving Your Self Esteem

Positive Self Talk Boost-By Improving Your Self Esteem, Improve Your Self Talk Drastically In The Positive Direction, Fine Tune Your Self Esteem. Extra Certificate At The End.
What you will learn?
- To do Positive Self Talk Authentically.
- Erase the wrong mind frames you have towards Affirmations and Positive Self Talk.
- Address any Self Esteem issues that need to be addressed.
- Normalize Positive Self Talk for Yourself.
Course Requirements
- Cool truth be told, you were born ready to take this Course so come with a Willingness to Learn and then to Practice what you Learn.
- Some writing material, pen and paper or jotter, journal or digital writing device is cool to use too.
- The Worksheet Assignments are All Downloadable at Your Convenience. You will also be able to download resources and mp3 versions of all the lectures so that you can further reconnect on the go.
Course Description
Positive Self Talk is really all about your internal dialogue and how positive it is or can get when you boost it as we will be exploring in this Course.
A lot of people have a problem with doing Positive Self Talk and saying affirmations because it feels ‘too cheesy’ or inauthentic to them and so they feel like they are lying to themselves. We get to the root of why that may be the case. Could it be a low self esteem issue that they are not aware exists? Come find out inside the course as we dive deep down into it.
Embracing the hard truth as you become more self aware of what is actually going on with you in this regard will allow you fall in love with the act of learning to say affirmations the way that it can begin to feel more authentic and true for you by improving your Self Esteem and Boosting your Positive Self Talk, so that it becomes like second nature.
No gimmicks, just pure good intentions, from you, to you.
We also unravel how not to get into ‘toxic positivity’ while using Positive Self Talk.
Again, we will explore what I have called The Most Effective Self Talk practice which is one of the Highlights of this Course for Addressing Negative Self Talk , hence leading to a Positive Self Talk Boost . I can confidently say that it is Life Changing and hence very effective.
The first step towards changing the way you treat yourself is to begin to notice when you are being very critical of you. It may be that, like many of us, your ‘self critical or inner critic’ voice is so common now for you that you hardly notice when it comes around to pay a ‘mind visit’, so to say.
Whenever you’re feeling bad about something, think about what you’ve just said to yourself. Really, try to be as accurate as you possibly can . What words does your inner critic voice say to you? Are there any specific words that come up over and over again? What is the tone of your voice. Is it condescending, angry or judgmental? Does the voice remind you of anyone from your past who was critical of you? Well, we get into really practical examples inside the Course.
This Course contains Worksheets Assignments that are geared towards helping you get into that great space of a Positive Self Talk Boost while improving your Self Esteem in the process. Yes indeed. We unpack the goodness of a Healthy Self Esteem and how it is connected with our Self Concepts, Ideals, Values and of course, our Self Talk.
The Worksheet Assignments are All Downloadable at Your Convenience. You will also be able to download resources and mp3 versions of all the lectures so that you can further reconnect on the go.
At the end of this Course, you will get a Certificate of Completion from Udemy and another MPCC Self Validation Certificate to serve as a Beautiful Reminder that You have Completed this course and also to Demonstrate that You are Someone Committed to their Personal Development and Self Improvement. Employers love those who make the effort to learn and usually look out for that in Your CV.
Also, if you are Self Employed or a Young Entrepreneur or a Business Owner, this aids to keep you always Inspired. To receive the MPCC Certificate, and to Join the private group, follow the easy going instructions at the end of the Course.
Great To Have You Here. Have A Refreshing Learning Experience and Talk To You More Inside The Course!
Who this course is for:
- Anyone that Loves to Learn With Art Therapy and Colors.
- Anyone wanting to Build a Positive Self Talk as they Build their Self Esteem unashamedly.
- Those who want to Get Comfortable with Boosting their Self Talk Life without feeling inauthentic.
- Anyone who wants to Learn More, Enjoy Positivity and Boost their Positive Self Talk.
- Young Adults and Entrepreneurs.
- Self Employed and Business Owners.
- All Beautiful Souls Out There.