Power Platform ALM DevOps Master Class, End-to-End Instruction for Power Platform ALM DevOps.
Course Description
When I first started the learning journey of learning the Power Platform and DevOps as a generic term, I’m not going to lie. It was extremely challenging and exhausting. There were many videos on the subject, but they just told parts of the story, frustrating me even further. Finally, after reading the right combinations of Microsoft Documentation combined with many YouTube videos, it all finally clicked. This is when I made a bunch of scripts from my documentation so I would not have to remember every little detail. All I had to remember was to run my simple scripts to get consistent results time and time again.
In this short one video master class, I will get you to where you want to be with DevOps on the Power Platform. I cover many options in this single shot 1.5-hour lecture. I will leave you with a solid understanding, and you’ll get access to my free scripts that make all the magic possible. I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you.
What you will get and learn:
- Automate the creation of a Service Principal specifically for the Power Platform ALM process
- Learn how to configure environmental security for this newly created service principal
Then you will learn two methods of DevOps to be used on the Power Platform:
- Power Platform CLI
- Azure DevOps