Practical No-Bullshit Beginners Meditation course, A ten day course to help you esablish a meditation habit.
Course Description
My goal is to help you establish a meditation habit by following this 10 day course. The courses are meant to be carried out for 10 days in a row, the courses are short and only take up around 15 minutes of your daily time.
In this course we will learn different mental models that will be beneficial for you when learning the practice of meditation. They are the steppingstones towards a creative, aware and calm life.
Different techniques will be discussed but our main focus will be on the experience itself. Our goal is not to do any mental masturbation but to focus on the actual experience itself.
Day one: we will get acquainted with the mind.
Day two: we will start focusing on our breath
Day three: we experience more focusing on the breath
Day four: we start learning about body scanning
Day five: we deepen our body scanning practice
Day six: we learn about the r.a.i.n. method
Day seven: we practice again the focusing on the breath but with less guidance
Day eight: we practice again the body scanning technique
Day nine: we practice again the r.a.i.n. method
Day ten: Final mental models for successful meditation practice
After this is is recommended that you train yourself and practice without any guidance