Python 3 – Company preparation – Volume 1, For those who love to code.
This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the programmers / newbies on Udemy!
This course is specially designed by taking all scenarios into consideration from programmer point of view
Here I tried my best to give you good understanding on topic which programmer should be knowing at the earliest.
Even covered topic such as csv , Json , xml from company point of view.
If you are attending for an Interview – sure shot one question will be their from pattern printing. Just to check how much logically you are able to think. I covered such topics as well
Following are the list of topic will be covered as a part of this course.
01. What you will learn in this course
02. Work Setup
03. Introduction to Python
04. Declaring variables
05. Operators
06. Decision making
07. Loops
08. Strings
09. Data structure – List
10. Data structure – Tuple
11. Data structure – Set
12. Data structure – Dictionary
13. Function
14. Lets build logic 1
15. Lets build logic 2
16. Lets build logic 3
17. Lets build logic 4
18. Lets build logic 5
19. Lets build logic 6
20. Patterns
21. csv and Json
22. xml
23. pickle
24. Next Plan
Hope this course will help you to build logics and crack the interviews