Python Machine Learning Tutorial (Data Science)


Python Machine Learning Tutorial (Data Science), Python Machine Learning Tutorial – Learn how to predict the kind of music people like.

Course Description

Welcome to the Introduction to Python Machine Learning course for beginners! This comprehensive machine learning course will give you a solid foundation with the Python programming language, and provide you with the essential tools and techniques to apply algorithms in real-world applications. We’ll start off by exploring machine learning concepts and why they are so important before delving into hands-on examples in Python.

You’ll get an introduction to:

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning in Action

Libraries and Tools

Importing a Data Set

Jupyter Shortcuts

A Real Machine Learning Problem

Preparing the Data

Learning and Predicting

Calculating the Accuracy

Persisting Models

Visualizing a Decision Tree

There will be plenty of opportunities to apply your new knowledge with working through guided code-throughs and implementing hands-on examples

By the end of this course you’ll have obtained a practical skillset from which you can build upon – expect to finish this course feeling confident in your new ability to solve a variety of issues related machine learning. Whether it’s for personal project or professional use – you have the tools now take make it real!

We’ve designed this course so even beginners can easily follow along with each step. Through structured activities and thoughtfully designed challenges, we’ll ensure you have a complete understanding of every concept laid out in the lectures.

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