Relay Logic – The Foundations of Ladder Logic and PLCs


Relay Logic – The Foundations of Ladder Logic and PLCs, Understanding Relay Logic with Practical Simulated Projects to Kickstart your Engineering Education.

Course Description

Are you interested in Electrical Engineering?

Are you an Engineering Apprentice?

Do you want a future in Engineering?

Are you an aspiring automation/controls Engineer?

Stuck not knowing where to start?

If your answer to any of the questions above is yes, then this course is for you.

Taking this course you will learn what Relay Logic is, how it works, how it is used in real life situations and how it is a solid foundation in Electrical Engineering.

By learning the fundamentals, where Ladder Logic and PLCs grew from, you will be much better equipped for further learning

This course will first explain the theory of Relay Logic and show you what it looks like on paper and also, show and explain to you real world examples.

You will learn the basic components used in relay logic with videos of me physically showing you each component and teaching you what they do, how they work and how they are documented in relay logic electric circuit diagrams. Including video demonstrations of the components operating in real time on a test rig.

Next to create your own circuits, I will show you how to install and use a free software available online to simulate electrical circuits on your own PC. You will be confident in simulating circuits and you will be starting to think like an Engineer.

Now confident with simulating basic electrical circuits, I will set you 5 projects to work on. Each project will give you a specification followed by test criteria which you must fulfil before moving on to the explanation, where I show you how I did it myself. As long as you fulfil the test criteria, there are no wrong solutions.

Following completion of these projects, I will explain to you what you should do next depending on what you are interested in for your Engineering Education

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