Russian for Fluency and Accuracy of Speech

Russian for Fluency and Accuracy of Speech, Start understanding spoken Russian and gain fluency and accuracy of speech.
Course Description
Всем привет. Здравствуйте. Как дела? Hi everybody. I am teacher Vladimir and the Russian Language Fluency Course. Everyone who mastered a foreign language on a high level and started speaking fluently and correctly would say that the most difficult part is to start understanding spoken language and to gain fluency and accuracy of speech.
To help my students to start understanding spoken Russian and to gain fluency and accuracy of speech, I have created this Russian Language Fluency Course. This course is designed for beginners and for those who have been learning Russian for some time. Even if you start learning Russian from scratch, you will be able to learn the lessons of this course because I will include 3 reading lessons in it. After completing reading lessons, you will be able to continue learning this fluency course.
You will start with Russian proverbs and tongue twisters. Then, you will practice speaking with Russian songs for each letter of Russian alphabet. I chose lesson topics so that they cover all the main areas of everyday life: women and love, money and salary, ships and seamen, sexual affairs, body, electricity, political affairs and many more.
All the lessons have the following structure.
Vocabulary, a text with translation, some explanations to the difficult places of the text, and all the necessary explanations about all the grammar elements that you can encounter with in the text. At the end of each lesson, you will make speaking and writing exercises to review the learning material and to practice speaking. You will check if your answers are correct in the Kyes and Answers section.
In each lesson, you will also find the link to a song or any other learning resource that is used in a lesson.
You will also find two lessons about Russian slang in this course. The first lesson is about youth slang and the second one is about obscene slang. You will learn a lesson vocabulary; example sentences and do some writing and speaking exercises.
After completing the course, you will be able to:
Extend your vocabulary up to about 2000 words.
Understand basic Russian grammar.
Understand spoken Russian.
And gain fluency and accuracy of speech.
As you see, this course can help you to learn the way real Russian people speak, to understand Russian grammar and words ending changing system, to understand Russian culture and the life of real Russian people and to start speaking Russian like a native Russian. Don’t miss this unique chance. Enroll to this course and start speaking Russian fluently and correctly. Good luck and all the best. See you at my lessons. До свидания. Всего Вам доброго и удачи. Увидимся на моих уроках.