Self Management Strategies for People with Low Back Pain

Self Management Strategies for People with Low Back Pain, Training ergonomics, self-management and health behavior strategies to people suffering from chronic low-back pain.
Course Description
Low back pain is one of the main causes of disability worldwide, it can cause limitations in daily life, in work and it is associated with high social and financial burdens for individuals, their families and for the wider economy. Working conditions can impact positively and negatively on low back pain – for example low job satisfaction, highly sedentary roles or roles involving repetitive strenuous tasks may have a negative impact on low back pain. Working adults 55+ years employed in these roles may face additional challenges to managing their low back pain and information, guidance and support may be required.
The education of chronic pain patients and their relatives on self-management increases their self-confidence and improves their possibility to monitor, control and cope with the disease. This improves the patient’s quality of life and reduces the physical and psychological symptoms.
The main goal of this MOOC is to improve knowledge and skills of working adults regarding evidence based strategies that can help individuals manage their low back pain in all personal spheres (work, family, leisure etc.). But this course will show all the people that live with low-back pain and have a sedentary lifestyle or have arduous jobs how to self-manage their pain by adopting healthy behavior strategies. Learners will become more aware of their health and well-being, both at work and in the personal sphere.