Simplified Portrait Photography, From ZERO to great portraits, FAST!.
The fastest and easiest way to go from NO knowledge of photography, to knowing the essentials to create great portraits NOW! From basic camera controls, to posing, to most importantly: the light! Then how to enhance them further through editing. Practice these simple steps to be creating dynamic people-photos from here on out!
The philosophy on teaching here is KEEP IT SIMPLE. No effort is made to sound complex or “expert” just because big words can be used which no one will understand. The true test of a course is CAN IT BE APPLIED to real life. Thus, no BS, no long speeches, just you, me, casual and real, the whole way through. By the end of the course if there is still something you feel you haven’t understood or cannot use, then you can email me direct and I will take the time to clarify it for you.
There is plenty of false information out there about photography, cameras, and HOW TO DO IT. This course is comprised of just the BASICS which will WORK every time. And from these fundamentals you can then easily improve to become as skilled as you like. But don’t forget, it should be FUN too. So let’s get to it!