Solar Micro Grids, Battery Value Streams and DNSP’s, Intermediate course about Solar Micro Grids, Battery Value Streams and Distributed Network Connections.
Course Description
The course is divided into three sections and uses Australian references for examples:
In the first section, we introduce PV designers and installers to microgrids, which are increasingly recognised and valued by network providers and policymakers. We discuss the difference between microgrids, mini-grids, and embedded networks, identify a few of the regulatory implications, and suggest various practical approaches to microgrid implementation for renewable energy industry participants.
In the second part of this course, we discuss the value streams of energy storage. The use of energy storage may not always be a viable option for a client who uses the traditional means to secure energy, as current battery technologies are still relatively expensive. In this course, we explore 13 distinct value streams possible that might be derived from energy storage systems and we will explore how they are able to potentially reduce clients’ expenses from the point of view of network providers, market services, and electricity end-users.
In the last section, we will talk about Distributed Network Service Providers (DNSPs), who are typically the authority granting permission for residential and commercial-scale PV system grid connection, must maintain power quality at all times for all customers. This section discusses various network protection requirements set by different DNSPs, Australian Standards and the AEMC guidelines, and suggests practical ways for installers to meet these requirements when applying for grid connection approval.
Section 1:
- Defining a Microgrid
- Micro Grid vs Mini-Grid
- Microgrids
- Embedded Networks
- Network Exemptions
- Retail Exemptions
- A Pathway to Micro Grid
- Levelised Cost of Electricity
- Energy Storage Value Streams
- Incentivising Batteries
- AEMO & AEMX Respond to EN Growth
- Good Micro Grid Example
Section 2:
- Tariff Arbitrage
- Demand Charge reduction
- Increased PV Self Consumption
- Backup Power
- Wholesale Energy Arbitrage
- Reserve
- Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS)
- Voltage Support
- Demand Response Mechanism
- Black Start
DNSP and TNSP Services
- Resource Adequacy
- Transmission Congestion Relief
- Transmission Deferral
- Distribution Deferral
- Balancing Value Streams
- The Algorithm
- Energy Storage Optimisation Algorithm
Section 3:
- Connecting to the Distribution Network
- AEMC Connection Guidelines
- AS4777
- ComAp
- Schneider
- Woodward
- Other Relays
- Zero Export
- Western Power
- Ausgrid
- Demand Response
- Ergon/Energex (QE)
- Why are they required?
- Inverter Response Modes
- Volt Response Modes (Volt Watt)
- Volt Watt Response Modes (Volt-VAR)
- Over/Under Voltage
- Vector Shift
- NVD (Neutral Voltage Displacement) Protection