Stax English: IELTS for people in a hurry!


Stax English: IELTS for people in a hurry! Master English reading & comprehension with quick and easy lessons.

Course Description

“IELTS for people in a hurry!” is a simple course to learn English reading and comprehension.

It’s simple, start with a short video (30-90 seconds) about an interesting subject, then take the quiz to see how much you understand and remember.

Studies have shown that learning in short, sharp bursts is more effective than drudging through a protracted lesson.

You can practice 5 minutes a day from a phone, tablet or laptop, and watch your vocabulary, subject knowledge and reading skills improve!

The best way to improve your IELTS reading score is to learn about a wide range of different subjects.

We’ve got short, sharp videos on all of the subjects that are likely to pop up on an IELTS reading test.

So sign up today and begin learning in your free time with these masterful mini lessons.

Subjects covered:

  • Science and technology
  • Medicine and health
  • Business and economics
  • Law and politics
  • Arts and humanities
  • Environmental issues
  • Globalization and international relations
  • Social justice and human rights
  • Education and employment
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Historical events and figures
  • Cultural practices and traditions
  • Mythology & Superstition
  • Art and architecture
  • Literature and literature criticism
  • Travel and tourism
  • Food and nutrition
  • Technology and innovation
  • Lifestyle and leisure
  • Engineering and technology
  • Computer science and IT
  • Medicine and biotechnology

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