Ten commandments of Effective negotiations, -negotiation is easy.
Course Description
Broad summary:
Understand the basic concepts, techniques, and tactics of Negotiations
Be aware of the basic processes in a negotiation
Strategies to be in control and achieve great outcomes
Specifically, the course aims to impart some instructions, rules and tips for a successful negotiation]
– such as
Knowing oneself- what one’s needs are, how it sometimes gets camouflaged and get clarity in goals and onjectives of the negotiation itself
– knowing about the other person, with whom you are negotiating , what his needs are , and how it sometimes gets transformed to stubborn stances
– Understand that truth is all about perceptions and by learning a few techniques one can get a whole lot of new perceptions of the issue at hand and a whole set of perspectives that helps find solutions
– Understand what one’s biases are how they are formed and what influences they carry in our transactions with people
– Understand how people play psychological games with a view to manipulate another person. A few prominent games are discussed . This can help the student to recognize, and be aware of the other person’s manipulative ways
– Creating more options is the best way to find a wining outcome. An outcome need not be only a winning one for oneself. It can be a win win outcome for both. Every challenge has an opportunity
– The need for asserting , and also to show some anger and aggression to get desired outcome from a stubborn and uncooperative opponent is discussed , as well as some examples are shown.
– The need for checking one’s escalating emotional commitments , getting carried away by hustlers are discussed. One needs to check
– The closing of a negotiation needs to be smooth ; the process included keeping a few concessions till the last minute and also by reviewing the scope and objectives of the negotiation itself. Sometimes good and optimal solutions emerge from reducing the scope. At other times, it can emerge from increasing the scope.
A negotiation can be sometimes very intense , and draining both physically and emotionally. A need to keep a balance in such times is discussed.