The Pytest Framework Quick Guide, Pytest Basics – Test Parametrization – HTML Report Generation – API Testing Methods: GET, POST, PUT.
Course Description
In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of the pytest framework through a quick introduction. They will start by creating a simple function that adds two numbers and then learn how to write tests for this function using pytest. As a hands-on task, students will create a miles to kilometers converter function and write tests to ensure its correctness. Additionally, they will be introduced to pytest parametrize, a powerful feature for writing concise and efficient test cases with multiple inputs. Students will also learn how to generate HTML reports for their pytest test runs, enhancing the readability and usability of their test results.
In the second part of the course, students will gain an overview of testing APIs using pytest. They will learn how to test APIs using the HTTP methods: GET, POST, and PUT. Through practical examples, students will understand the importance of testing APIs to ensure their functionality and reliability. By the end of this section, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively test APIs using pytest, enabling them to create robust and comprehensive test suites for their API-based applications.
Throughout the course, students will not only learn the theoretical concepts but also gain hands-on experience through practical exercises and examples. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of pytest and its capabilities, enabling them to write efficient, maintainable, and comprehensive tests for both simple functions and complex API endpoints. Whether they are beginners looking to learn testing with pytest or experienced developers seeking to improve their testing skills, this course will provide valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance their testing practices.