Using Mentimeter and Jamboard as a Trainer or Facilitator


Using Mentimeter and Jamboard as a Trainer or Facilitator, How to be an engaging and interactive in all your courses and events.


With the change to hybrid working at 38%, we must learn how to adapt training courses, meetings and events to a way that engages people both joining online and remotely. We need to ensure that we are responsibly meeting the move to hybrid working patterns by being inclusive and getting the best out of the humans.

This course instructs you with many examples on how to set-up, use and problem solve using Mentimeter, a great interactive survey and presentation tool, and Google’s Jamboard, which anybody can use.

You will pick up the tips and tricks we have learnt at PlacesWork from the live work we have undertaken with a variety of organisations and different types of humans. Our examples include conferences, strategy formation days, networks, simple training courses and meetings.

It is more important than ever that all good trainers and facilitators plan their work based on equality, diversity and inclusion of different learning and participation styles. As well as prepared to adapt their work to different types of rooms and formats. The Using Mentimeter and Jamboard as a Trainer or Facilitator course will set out what good looks like from an equality and diversity perspective.

These two free and fantastic tools will benefit any trainer or facilitator designing online, live face to face training and events, improving your product offering.

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