Windows Command Line in 1 hour | Master Command Prompt Quick


Windows Command Line in 1 hour | Master Command Prompt Quick, Get familiar with 60+ command prompt commands as short as possible to improve your productivity while working on windows.

Windows Command Line in 1 hour

If you’re looking to learn how to use the windows command line for your work, boost your productivity or just because you’re curious, then this course is for you. I will teach you all about files and folder managementsystem information and configurations, networking and more.

In this course, I’m going to show you how to use the Windows Command Line as fast as possible. You’ll learn how to navigate the command line, perform basic tasks create directories, copy files, delete files and I’ll show you some important keywords that could really be of help to you in your daily activities.

The Windows command line is a very powerful tool that can help your productivity while using your computer.

This course is all about how to use the command line better in windows. It’ll teach you some lesser-known tips and tricks that can make your life easier.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Manage your files by copying, deleting and moving them with the command line
  • Automate tasks like shutting down your computer
  • Check details about your computer and set them accordingly
  • Display and view networking features and connections on your computer
  • Edit and manage the disk partitions on your computer

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