WordPress Basics – 2022, A course for WordPress beginners.
WordPress is a very well-known and widely used around the world. many blogs and websites are using WordPress. some of them look really classy and premium that you may think they are not built on WordPress when they are.
if you are new to WordPress or are willing to make your knowledge better then join the course and learn basics of WordPress. in the course we will download and install latest version of web-server, then we will download and install latest version of WordPress and will review basic functions of it and get it into practice.
This is just a basics course but it has much more functions like an ocean, like making custom themes, editing PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes, adding custom scripts to pages and customizing them on your taste. but since this is not a course of Web-Programming, we will not be reviewing of all these functions because it requires writing codes and scripts. the main target of this course is to make WordPress familiar for you and teach you using basic functions of it.
I decided to create the course to help people learn basics about WordPress. i hope the information gives from my course will help you in your work or business.