Your book! Write it, print it and let it do the marketing

Your book! Write it, print it and let it do the marketing, How do I create my own book, from mind mapping to writing out the chapters, creating the cover and getting it printed.
Course Description
In this course the focus will be on helping you develop the skill of marketing yourself through the creation of your own book or pamphlet.
I will start with the initial stage of deciding what you are excited about and then creating a mind map and listing whatever ideas come to your mind for chapter ideas.
Then, we will go into creating an outline with the main points and supporting points as well as examples such as images to include.
Also, I will go through my thinking process in creating the first draft through a pre-writing mindset.
Next, I will do a demonstration of the pre-writing stage as I start the writing for the chapter of my book. In addition, I will go into how to access and then use the book writing template to create the content of your book as well as create the titles for each chapter and finally how to do the About the Author section.
I will show you examples of books written and some of the benefits such as it being a way to showcase what you have created as well as help spark conversation about your passions, interests as well as future projects